Thursday, October 8, 2009

Culture in popular music

Jay Z
Jason DeRulo Lady Gaga

Billboard Top 100
#6. Paparazzi: Lady Gaga

The song Paparazzi is about someone being a paparazzi. It also leads you to think that Lady Gaga is being a paparazzi to the person she loves, like being obsessed with them. Within the song I saw many examples of irony like, "I'm your biggest fan, Ill follow you until you love me/ Papa, paparazzi". I thought this was ironic because celebrities are known for hating the paparazzi, but she is being a paparazzi to her "love". I think that this is number six of the Billboard Top 100 because people like the beat of the song, not so much what she is saying. This shows that our country is somewhat obsessed with our celebrities. Everything is based upon what the celebrities are photographed doing.

#4. Whatcha Say: Jason DeRulo

The song Whatcha Say is about someone cheating on their boyfriend/girlfriend and they regret it. This song showed little poetic devices, but I thought, in the verse, "Mmmm whatcha say/ Mmm that you only meant well?/Well of course you did", is humor because that is one person who's been cheating on response to the cheaters excuses. This song is number four on the Billboard Top 100 because, like Paparazzi, people like the beat of the song. Both, Paparazzi and Whatcha Say have very little poetic devices. This shows that music has become more of a image than actually creating good music.

#10. Empire State Of Mind: Jay-Z + Alicia Keys
The song Empire State of Mind is about someone moving out of the "hood" and moving to New York. The poetic device found is hyperbole, "In New York!!!!/Concrete jungle where dreams are made of/There's nothing you can’t do/Now you're in New York!!!/These streets will make you feel brand new". This is an example of a hyperbole because they are making New York sound like the place for all opportunities, and in some cases, it is not. I think this song is number ten on the Billboard Top 100 because Jay Z is one of the most well-known rappers. People are drawn to his music. Also, i think that most people in the US believe that New York is the land of opportunities.


  1. Great job :)
    I really liked what you wrote about Lady Gaga and the song "Paparazzi."
    Great topic, too

  2. Nice job on the Billboard Top 100 assignment. I like what you wrote about
    Jay-Z's song Empire State of Mind.

  3. I like your pictures, you have so many of them lol.You clearly put a lot of thought into this blog.

  4. Great use of pictures! You took a lot of time to get pictures of several artists and they all look great.

  5. Alex, i love yer blogg. it makes me smile. loz. itz just so happy. I like yer pictures, and i like "culture in popular music" and how its different from theme. I like yer song choices

